Our Vision:

Hope Church has a very clear vision: to see ‘more people more like Jesus, in more places’.  We have three expressions; Hope Hub, Hope 4:14 Groups and Hope Community Outreach that meet regularly in a range of different places from homes and cafés to the new Hope Centre. We believe that with an increasingly diverse mission field a multi-expression model to include Hope Hub, Hope 4:14 Groups and Community Outreach, creates a ‘both / and’ approach which is essential in reaching people for Jesus.  Our core values are shared across these three expressions, and illustrated by using the image of a PIE cut into slices and the ingredients focus on discipleship, gathering and mission.

Hope Church Dawlish Vision
Hope Hub

Our Vision: Hope Hub

Hope Hub is our Sunday gathering which extends out into further meetings during the week:

Life groups / Hope Youth / Hope Children / Hope Friends / Pastoral Support / Whole-of-life Discipleship / Specific Ministry / Activity and Interest Groups.

We aim to be welcoming to all generations and social contexts.

Our Vision: 4:14 Groups

Hope 4:14 Groups are community-located subsets of Hope Church aimed at personal spiritual growth and Kingdom multiplication for those who are new to, or open to, the Good News of Jesus.  Our desire is for all involved to experience ‘living water bubbling from within them’ (John 4:14).  Hope 4:14 Groups start with a minimum of 4 people (2 leaders and 2 apprentice leaders) and will multiply when the group reaches 14 people.

Our Vision: Hope Community Outreach and ROC

Hope Community Outreach is social action and mission directly into the community. This expression of Hope Church is also connected to ROC (Redeeming Our Communities) and CAP (Christians Against Poverty)

Focus for 2024

We have been hit sideways with the tragic events of July 2023 and it has been right to lament.  But the Lord has blessed us with a wonderful church family, new people joining us and growing missional use of our building – it is time to take ground back!  This can only be done through the calling, anointing and sending of the Holy Spirit, as well as our obedience to GO!.  What if EVERYONE reached ONE person for Christ in 2024 – for salvation, healing, release from spiritual captivity? !

find out what we believe at Hope Church Dawlish

What We Believe

We recognise that different Christian churches interpret the Bible in different ways and Hope Church has attendees from a number of different Christian denominations and traditions.   Our Statement of Faith clearly sets out what we believe in Hope Church Dawlish and is aligned with the Evangelical Alliance ‘Basis of Faith’, with an emphasis on being ‘Word’ and ‘Spirit’ led.  A copy of our Statement of Faith is available here.

Meet the Team

Welcome to Team Hope!  As part of our call to ‘Replant’ we are in the process of restructuring our leadership and ministry teams and have set up four leadership and serving components; Oversight Leadership Team (OLT), Trustees, Leadership & Volunteering and Hope Membership..

Meet the team circle
Membership at Hope Church Dawlish


At Hope Church all are welcome to come and worship and attend activities.  However, at Hope Church we encourage deep commitment and people who have been regularly attending for more than 6 months can apply to join us in Membership

Why do we have Church Membership?

  • To preserve the core theology of the church
  • To stand together in unity around the Vision
  • To enable pastoral oversight
  • To promote commitment to the local church family

How to become a Member

If you have been regularly attending for more than 6 months and you are interested in becoming a Member then please complete a Membership Application Form and contact a member of the Oversight Leadership Team (OLT).  There are four conditions of Membership in Hope Church:

  1. You have accepted and will continue to follow Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour
  2. You agree to the Statement of Faith and the Vision.
  3. You agree to come under the spiritual oversight of the Leadership
  4. You commit to attend, serve, give and grow

On receipt of the Application Form, we will arrange a visit with you by a member of the OLT and another church member. A copy of the Application Form is available here.

Our Story

Follow our journey.

Read about the story of Hope Church Dawlish

Commence replanting and strengthening of Hope Hub paid and volunteer ministry teams and activities, in line with our vision of ‘More people more like Jesus, in more places’. This started with commissioning a newly appointed Oversight Leadership Team (OLT) and launching training for Hope 4:14 Groups. 


Hope Church roots, rhythms and connections

Commence replanting and strengthening of Hope Hub paid and volunteer ministry teams and activities, in line with our vision of ‘More people more like Jesus, in more places’. This started with commissioning a newly appointed Oversight Leadership Team (OLT) and launching training for Hope 4:14 Groups. 

The construction of the Hope Centre was completed. We held a prayer and commissioning service with local ministers in the town on Friday 27 May 2022, followed by our first service on Ascension Sunday 29 May 2022.

May 2022

Hope Centre opens !

The construction of the Hope Centre was completed. We held a prayer and commissioning service with local ministers in the town on Friday 27 May 2022, followed by our first service on Ascension Sunday 29 May 2022.

We took the bold step of standing down our existing leadership and ministry teams in order to lead the way in the essential replanting activities.  (Isaiah 43; 19 ‘See I am doing a new thing…”). A smaller interim leadership team was put in place for the remainder of 2021 and 2022.

November 2021

Replanting towards Hope Church begins!

We took the bold step of standing down our existing leadership and ministry teams in order to lead the way in the essential replanting activities.  (Isaiah 43; 19 ‘See I am doing a new thing…”). A smaller interim leadership team was put in place for the remainder of 2021 and 2022.

Mark and Jo Jones are released to pioneer Hope Missional Community and ROC, an exciting new expression of Hope Church – Connected, organic and relational groups to bring the light of Jesus to the ‘unchurched’ for Kingdom multiplication.

November 2019

Hope Missional Communities

Mark and Jo Jones are released to pioneer Hope Missional Community and ROC, an exciting new expression of Hope Church – Connected, organic and relational groups to bring the light of Jesus to the ‘unchurched’ for Kingdom multiplication.

Following prayer, prophetic words and consultation with Members,  we agree to the future renaming of Dawlish Christian Fellowship to Hope Church Dawlish, paving the way for naming the building  i.e. Hope Centre and Hope Café.

June 2019

New name agreed – Dawlish Christian Fellowship will become Hope Church Dawlish

Following prayer, prophetic words and consultation with Members,  we agree to the future renaming of Dawlish Christian Fellowship to Hope Church Dawlish, paving the way for naming the building  i.e. Hope Centre and Hope Café.

As Christians together in Dawlish we met to ‘cut the turf’ and the build work began.  John German and his team of local tradesmen got to work. A time lapse video shows the progress over the 3 years construction period.


The build begins !

As Christians together in Dawlish we met to ‘cut the turf’ and the build work began.  John German and his team of local tradesmen got to work. A time lapse video shows the progress over the 3 years construction period.

After much prayer and waiting on the Lord a new vision is developed for “More people more like Jesus, in more places”, delivered through three expressions; Church Hub, MicroChurch (later to become 4:14 Groups) and Missional Communities, all with a focus on Discipleship, connection and Mission.


Our new Vision: More people more like Jesus, in more places 

After much prayer and waiting on the Lord a new vision is developed for “More people more like Jesus, in more places”, delivered through three expressions; Church Hub, MicroChurch (later to become 4:14 Groups) and Missional Communities, all with a focus on Discipleship, connection and Mission.

We met on Sunday mornings at Dawlish College and continued our Life Groups, schools work and youth groups until … Covid. Our church (and the world) make adjustments during Covid, including holding ‘Virtual’ church and moving more into digital. We became active in supporting the community in partnership with other local agencies.


Covid …

We met on Sunday mornings at Dawlish College and continued our Life Groups, schools work and youth groups until … Covid. Our church (and the world) make adjustments during Covid, including holding ‘Virtual’ church and moving more into digital. We became active in supporting the community in partnership with other local agencies.

We sold our building at Old Town Street, moved out but continued to meet as Dawlish Christian Fellowship, worshipping on a Sunday morning at St Agatha’s church.  We purchased the land near Sainsbury’s and our church office moved to the Black Swan Business Park. Fund raising began, immersed in prayer and the commitment of the building design team. This was a huge leap of faith for us but we knew God was with us.


Moving out of ‘Old Town Street’

We sold our building at Old Town Street, moved out but continued to meet as Dawlish Christian Fellowship, worshipping on a Sunday morning at St Agatha’s church.  We purchased the land near Sainsbury’s and our church office moved to the Black Swan Business Park. Fund raising began, immersed in prayer and the commitment of the building design team. This was a huge leap of faith for us but we knew God was with us.

Through several prophetic words and answers to prayer, the Leadership confirmed the need to go on a journey of faith, moving out of our current ministry environment and a call to build (physically and spiritually). 


The call to build

Through several prophetic words and answers to prayer, the Leadership confirmed the need to go on a journey of faith, moving out of our current ministry environment and a call to build (physically and spiritually). 

DCF ministry and missional life grows, including thriving with young families and activities for all.  An assistant leader, youth leader and administrator are appointed.  Sunday mornings at Old Town Street stretch the capacity of our buildings   


Ministries and growth

DCF ministry and missional life grows, including thriving with young families and activities for all.  An assistant leader, youth leader and administrator are appointed.  Sunday mornings at Old Town Street stretch the capacity of our buildings   

Mark Jones takes on leadership of DCF full time and Richard retires after serving faithfully for many years


A new Leader appointed

Mark Jones takes on leadership of DCF full time and Richard retires after serving faithfully for many years

With much faith and after much prayer the fellowship decides to divide and purchase a set of buildings at Old Town Street and rename as Dawlish Christian Fellowship (DCF), under the leadership of Richard Mason. 


Dawlish Christian Fellowship and Old Town Street

With much faith and after much prayer the fellowship decides to divide and purchase a set of buildings at Old Town Street and rename as Dawlish Christian Fellowship (DCF), under the leadership of Richard Mason. 

The first building was bought for £2,350 (Central Hall) as the church grew.  There was a lively Sunday school with Christmas parties, summer outings and Bible classes.  There were ‘Squashes’, where people would ‘squash’ into the living rooms of one of the Church members, and Saturday evening young peoples’ rallies.


Central Hall

The first building was bought for £2,350 (Central Hall) as the church grew.  There was a lively Sunday school with Christmas parties, summer outings and Bible classes.  There were ‘Squashes’, where people would ‘squash’ into the living rooms of one of the Church members, and Saturday evening young peoples’ rallies.

The Fellowship began to meet in a small room in Regent Street, Dawlish.  The Partridge family were evacuated from their home during war time.  They moved to Dawlish and became active members of the Fellowship.  (The Partridge family are still members of Hope Church today)!


Regents Street

The Fellowship began to meet in a small room in Regent Street, Dawlish.  The Partridge family were evacuated from their home during war time.  They moved to Dawlish and became active members of the Fellowship.  (The Partridge family are still members of Hope Church today)!

First gatherings started with a group of Open Brethren Christians.  Mr and Mrs Sercombe, from Aller Farm, hired the Shaftesbury Hall (now called the Shaftesbury Theatre) for their first meetings. 


First gatherings

First gatherings started with a group of Open Brethren Christians.  Mr and Mrs Sercombe, from Aller Farm, hired the Shaftesbury Hall (now called the Shaftesbury Theatre) for their first meetings.