Our Vision

Focus for 2024

What we Believe

Meet the Team


Our Story
Our Vision:
Hope Church has a very clear vision: to see ‘more people more like Jesus, in more places’. We have three expressions; Hope Hub, Hope 4:14 Groups and Hope Community Outreach that meet regularly in a range of different places from homes and cafés to the new Hope Centre. We believe that with an increasingly diverse mission field a multi-expression model to include Hope Hub, Hope 4:14 Groups and Community Outreach, creates a ‘both / and’ approach which is essential in reaching people for Jesus. Our core values are shared across these three expressions, and illustrated by using the image of a PIE cut into slices and the ingredients focus on discipleship, gathering and mission.

Our Vision: Hope Hub
Hope Hub is our Sunday gathering which extends out into further meetings during the week:
Life groups / Hope Youth / Hope Children / Hope Friends / Pastoral Support / Whole-of-life Discipleship / Specific Ministry / Activity and Interest Groups.
We aim to be welcoming to all generations and social contexts.
Our Vision: 4:14 Groups
Hope 4:14 Groups are community-located subsets of Hope Church aimed at personal spiritual growth and Kingdom multiplication for those who are new to, or open to, the Good News of Jesus. Our desire is for all involved to experience ‘living water bubbling from within them’ (John 4:14). Hope 4:14 Groups start with a minimum of 4 people (2 leaders and 2 apprentice leaders) and will multiply when the group reaches 14 people.

Our Vision: Hope Community Outreach and ROC
Hope Community Outreach is social action and mission directly into the community. This expression of Hope Church is also connected to ROC (Redeeming Our Communities) and CAP (Christians Against Poverty)
Focus for 2024
We have been hit sideways with the tragic events of July 2023 and it has been right to lament. But the Lord has blessed us with a wonderful church family, new people joining us and growing missional use of our building – it is time to take ground back! This can only be done through the calling, anointing and sending of the Holy Spirit, as well as our obedience to GO!. What if EVERYONE reached ONE person for Christ in 2024 – for salvation, healing, release from spiritual captivity? !

What We Believe
We recognise that different Christian churches interpret the Bible in different ways and Hope Church has attendees from a number of different Christian denominations and traditions. Our Statement of Faith clearly sets out what we believe in Hope Church Dawlish and is aligned with the Evangelical Alliance ‘Basis of Faith’, with an emphasis on being ‘Word’ and ‘Spirit’ led. A copy of our Statement of Faith is available here.
Meet the Team
Welcome to Team Hope! As part of our call to ‘Replant’ we are in the process of restructuring our leadership and ministry teams and have set up four leadership and serving components; Oversight Leadership Team (OLT), Trustees, Leadership & Volunteering and Hope Membership..

At Hope Church all are welcome to come and worship and attend activities. However, at Hope Church we encourage deep commitment and people who have been regularly attending for more than 6 months can apply to join us in Membership
Why do we have Church Membership?
- To preserve the core theology of the church
- To stand together in unity around the Vision
- To enable pastoral oversight
- To promote commitment to the local church family
How to become a Member
If you have been regularly attending for more than 6 months and you are interested in becoming a Member then please complete a Membership Application Form and contact a member of the Oversight Leadership Team (OLT). There are four conditions of Membership in Hope Church:
- You have accepted and will continue to follow Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour
- You agree to the Statement of Faith and the Vision.
- You agree to come under the spiritual oversight of the Leadership
- You commit to attend, serve, give and grow
On receipt of the Application Form, we will arrange a visit with you by a member of the OLT and another church member. A copy of the Application Form is available here.
Our Story
Follow our journey.

Hope Church roots, rhythms and connections
May 2022
Hope Centre opens !
November 2021
Replanting towards Hope Church begins!
November 2019
Hope Missional Communities
June 2019
New name agreed – Dawlish Christian Fellowship will become Hope Church Dawlish
The build begins !
Our new Vision: More people more like Jesus, in more places
Covid …
Moving out of ‘Old Town Street’
The call to build
Ministries and growth
A new Leader appointed
Dawlish Christian Fellowship and Old Town Street
Central Hall
Regents Street
First gatherings